Artist, Aesop Rhim

Aesop Rhim’s Art
at Cool Globes Exhibitions


“Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet”

Initial Exhibition -   Chicago Exhibition ( 6/1/07-9/07 )
Touring Exhibition   -   Washington DC Exhibition ( 5/24/08 - 10/13/08 ) 


Exhibition: June 1 - September, 2007

120 sculpted globes are displayed
along the Chicago’s lakefront
from the Field Museum north to Navy Pier

Designed by artists from around the world, including
Jim Dine, Suzanne Caporeal and Aesop Rhim

Aesop Rhim’s Art at Cool Globes Exhibition

Aesop Rhim and a Cool GlobeCool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet” is an innovative project that uses the medium of public art to inspire individuals and organizations to take action against global warming.

The exhibit is featuring 120 sculpted globes, each five feet in diameter, displayed along  Chicago’s lakefront from the Field Museum north to Navy Pier, opening June 1st through September, 2007.

Artist from around the world, including Jim Dine and Suzanne Caporeal, designed the globes, using a variety of materials to transform their plain white sphere to create awareness and provoke discussion about a potential solution to global warming.

Artist Aesop Rhim proudly participated in this historical “Cool Globes” Exhibition as one of 120 selected artists. He is the artist of Asian descent and one of the oldest among them.

Here are his words: “We all know that Global Warming is a real “ inconvenient truth” which we must face in the years to come.  When Cool Globes asked me to submit a design for the Cool Globes project, I was fascinated and honored to take part in this important and timely project”.

The title of Rhim’s globe art is “HYDROPOWER”.  The design represents Hydropower in the oceans—a clean and efficient source of renewable energy without producing greenhouse gases or other pollution.  The globe art depicts peaceful ocean with the movement of tides and waves which produce hydropower.  Beautiful, colorful seagulls fly over these oceans.

Rhim states, “As I have been working on this project, I have learned a great deal about the serious issue of Global Warming.  It has been a wonderful, valuable and humbling experience”.   


click here for more photos of the Cool Glove "HYDROPOWER"
Cool Globe "HYDROPOWER" by Aesop Rhim

Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet
HYDROPOWER” by Aesop Rhim

click here for more photos of the Cool Glove "HYDROPOWER"

Click here for a high Resolution Photo

Aesop Rhim - Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet

Click here for a high Resolution Photo

Aesop Rhim - Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet

Click here for a high Resolution Photo


Exhibition: May 24 - October 13, 2008

Exhibition at the United States Botanic Garden

The United States Botanic Garden is displaying 35 Cool Globes
as the featured attraction in its annual
"One Planet - Ours! Sustainability for the 22nd Century" exhibition.

Aesop Rhim and Cool Globe - Washington DC

Cool Globes in Washington DC

High resolution photo

Aesop Rhim & Cool Globe

Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet
HYDROPOWER” by Aesop Rhim

Washington D.C.

High resolution photo





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